Stone Riley's Magic Mirror Tarot Set
About The Art Work

In order to work properly, a Tarot deck must contain a complete description of human life.  This presents a considerable artistic challenge.  Some artists simply abandon hope of making a practical deck, and use it merely as a set of hooks to hang some fancy pictures on.  But others approach the task by deeply incorporating Tarot into their life.  Of course that's the way to get a good result.

Spirit Hill Tarot is a massive demonstration of a theory of painting called "New Modern Art".  According to this theory, we can now create a visual language with immense communicative power by merging the genres of Modern art.  For example symbolist, minimalist and color field techniques - or any other combinations - can be used together in a picture.   The more that can be managed well, the better.  The painter can thereby offer a hip viewer multiple simultaneous dissonant or harmonic voices, rather like a chamber orchestra, jazz ensemble or a capella choir does, and thus convey a deeper richer meta-message.  (Human visual perception is regarded in the theory as a complex process with many sub-processes; the major Modern genres are regarded as dialects native in the various sub-processes.)  This is the non-linear multi-channel "Dionysian" mode of visual perception that is now becoming dominant in our culture.  This kind of painting fits the way more and more people see.

Here's a graphic to illustrate the theory.   New Modern Art: The Theory In A Nutshell